Fees and Policies
Once your child is enrolled, parents will be required to read and sign that they understand all policies in the Parent Handbook upon registering their child in our centre. Registration forms must be completed and signed before your child is permitted to attend daycare.
We encourage gradual entry (but this is not a requirement), which allows you and your child to become more familiar with staff, children, our program and daily schedule. Families have the option of bringing their child several times prior to starting for a couple hours at different times of the day (parents are required to stay on the premises). Or if they prefer, begin daycare only a few hours at a time the first week of enrolment, working up to full-time (if leaving parent should be on hand to return if necessary).
Please note that each child will be accepted on a probationary basis for one (1) month, at which time the suitability of our centre for your child will be reviewed.
We look forward to building a trusting bond with you and your child. We want your family to have an exceptional experience during your time at our centre. Our staff look forward to assisting you with the uniqueness your child brings to our centre.
Program Information
The centre is designed so that children can move freely about from one area or activity to another as often as they like. Whilst in any area, children will be asked to share, take turns, clean–up, respect one another and use their words. We will give them varied opportunities to experiment, create, estimate, build, construct, think, problem solve, make decisions, use their imagination, have fun and learn through play. Staff will always be on hand to guide, redirect, suggest options in times of need, give comfort or be available to engage in conversation or play. As part of our daily schedule, we are outside in all weather unless the weather is extreme or considered unsafe.
Fees and Funding
Village Daycare Society is part of the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI). Fees are increased in January of each year with the approval of the Ministry of Education and Childcare.
We accept child care subsidy which needs to be applied for prior to your child starting at the daycare. If subsidy has not been approved prior to your child's start date then full fee payment is required until subsidy is approved and received.
3 to 5 year old full-time program: $1,055/month which breakdowns to:
Fee reduction (CCFRI): $545/month.
Parent portion balance: $510/month.​
2.5 to 3 years old full-time program: $1,055/month which breakdowns to:
Fee reduction (CCFRI): $900/month.
Parent portion balance: $155/month.
Please note that if we already have two children under three years old at our centre we must first apply to and receive approval from childcare licensing to accept any additional children between the ages of 2.5 and 3 years at our centre.​
As of July 2024, Village Daycare Society will only provide full-time care and part-time spaces will no longer be available.
Hours of Operation and Holidays
Village Daycare is open Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with the exception of:
New Years Day
Family Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Victoria Day
Canada Day
British Columbia (BC) Day
Labour Day
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Thanksgiving Day
Remembrance Day
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
​If a holiday falls on a weekend, the holiday will be taken the first working day afterwards. The centre will also be closed at 12:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve Day and New Years Eve Day.
Please note that the daycare follows the Burnaby School District when school closures are made due to unsafe weather such as heavy snow or earthquakes. We may also be forced to close due to heating difficulties in cold weather or epidemic proportions of lice or other contagious viruses at the daycare.
Meals and Nutrition
Village Daycare will supply an open snack in the morning from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and in the afternoon from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Open snack allows children to decide whether or not they wish to eat. All snacks are prepared with the four food groups and any allergies in mind. Children will be encouraged and reminded of the time to be sure they are aware it is snack time. Parents will be required to supply breakfast items and lunches.